Celebrate Summer with a Fête Française!
....And in picturesque Santa Barbara, no less!Strut with the Cancan Dancers, Moroccan belly dances, grand opera, cabaret singers and an array of French entertainers on stage from jazz, Cajun and classical. Strolling through the event will be troubadours and accordion players all donned in berets of course!
July 12-13
Ambiance will be littered with checkered tablecloths atop authentic bistro tables.
Several dozen chefs will offer up tempting crepes, quiche, delectable desserts and hopefully a decent cafe au lait. kiddies will be joyed by puppet shows and storytelling. And did I mention a wading pool? (how funny is that???)

On Sunday 13th, don't miss the Poodle Parade next to the mock Eiffel Tower. Sure to be a hoot, with their perfectly coiffed fur and upturned noses!
Raffle to win a trip to France!
Vintageweave has been invited to provide a booth, so do look for us offering up authentic French finds!
We can't wait!
C'est magnifique!
Bonsoir, this sounds fun..! Amusez vous bien..:)
Thanks for the info... I need to plan a trip to visit my friend in Santa Barbara... that looks like a FUN event! Merci beaucoup!
Sounds wonderful! If I lived there I wouldn't miss it. I have always heard that most artistic and creative people live in California. If you want to see what the trends just look to California. Et Salut Kris
I want to go! I looked this up the other day after reading your blog. I have a toy poodle and would love to see a bunch of poodles in a parade! Have you been before? Is it all poodles or other dogs too?
Lynn-I've never been but if you have a poodle you should DEFINATELY go! In a beach town in So Cali, there are two hoiday doggies dress-up parades (Easter and Halloween) and my two Chihuahuas and I have a BLAST. Plus I've heard great things about this partic festival and since it's for Bastille Day, you know it has to be fun!
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