It's been an exceptionally busy design time for Vintageweave Interiors so needless to say little time has been available to blog and chat with you all!
Boo hoo I've missed that, BUT the design jobs have been enormously fun and oddly full of
hired shopping excursions (their companion for a day of shopping) for off-the-shelf beauties, something which is a bit new for me to do with such frequency......
one such job has included running around town and beyond at landscape businesses and rug warehouses with a charming Hollywood Producer to secure the right this and the right that.....another has included a baby's room to be filled with immediately-available (albeit somewhat cookie cutter but darling all the same) furniture....and another still to search out the perfect piano and kitchen appliances for an up and coming starlett.......Of course, all with a design eye geared towards the well-loved chic'ness of Paris Yesteryear....

With the vast changes in our world, many people are opting to travel less and focus more on their homes, which has translated to hopping to it at all hours, often 7 days a week.
The Capricorn girl that I am means I love it something crazy!!!Hope to be sharing lots of new things soon as the container from our last trip will be here in a couple of weeks. Hope everyone is well and enjoying life with a zest!