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I adore watering cans.
Zinc are really the only ones I collect...
... but from time to time a colored one will rotate in my garden from the boutique or warehouse overflow. It stays temporarily to enjoy for a spell.
I typically love rotating in red, but after a recent trip to Paris where orange was all the rage, I was inspired to paint my garden shed door (and a not-so-old can, aka reproduction! Shame on this antique dealer!) a wonderful terra cotta. Paint: the next best invention to French Bread.....!!! {French Bread wins hands down against everything in the universe of course}
French and English watering cans are so special, their character vastly different from varieties in the States. I stumbled across an engineer's diagram book of all watering cans made by two English companies from 1810-1910...it's my cherished treasure but unfortunately I've misplaced it so... my small home library is being torn from limb to limb.
My favorite is French early 19th C... the angle of the sprouts grabs me. I have several metal ones (not zinc) that are taking on a lovely rust patina from years of Miracle Grow and Fish Oil additives.
These days only water fills the antique and vintage versions in between feedings.
I know some of my hardier English cans
When I have an outdoor party, I love filling them with loads of cut flowers or small pots of newly-planted geraniums.
Ah, but fresh cuttings of hydrangea from my garden against a zinc can is my all time favorite. If you have a favorite watering can you use in your garden, I'd love to hear about it or see a picture....and if you DO NOT, I hope this inspires you!
I think your zinc is adorable ;)
I've purchased the dried hydrangea from your garden every time I'm in LA. I love them! I now want some of these antique cans. You've been holding out as I only see a handful when in the shoppe!
Gimme that can of orange. i really like it for my shed color. I saw alot of orange in paris too.
I love think,too!!!!!
I love your " arrosoirs "
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