many want to start the new year with a fresh look + crazy, busy awards' season in Los Angeles
This year, we have been blessed with having an extremely fruitful January during a time when part of our world is experiencing devastation in unimaginable measure.
Thanks TO ALL OF YOU who supported Vintageweave during January, we were able to take a portion of our proceeds and donate to help the relief efforts in HAITI. $4,000 was donated yesterday from the business to Catholic Charities /Haiti Fund (to aid the orphans) and to Doctors Without Borders. This would not have been possible without YOUR SUPPORT!
While many of us have likely given from our own pockets (myself included), I'm especially grateful that the business was able to do our small part. Our prayers for the people of Haiti continue along with yours....
With gratitude,
Kathy Delgado
We are all connected....
We all share a heart....
"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive."
~ Dalai Lama
And I get to enjoy a gorgeous armoire out of the deal! Bless all of you at Vintage Weave!
Bless you Cathy.
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