It always fascinates me when craftsmen can take a portion of antique wood and marry it to new wood seamlessly........the results are an amazing reproduction to fit all needs. In this case, to house a flat screen television to lift out of a credenza, or hide behind armoire doors.
While antiques are always preferred in my design world, there are often times when a custom made piece is more appropriate to the scale or room feel............we're making two new credenzas to house a 64" and another for a 42" flat screen HD tv's......pics on those when they are finished!

These antique doors will be the front of a newly-designed cabinet at some point....

I love them all especially the distressed white ones. Can't wait to see the finished products. Hope things have settled down a bit for you. We miss your daily inspirational posts.
My kind of furniture...
love these so much. you actually made a large clothes closet (armoire) for me from similarly shown antique french doors. i moved it into my living room its so fab. everyone loves it but not more than me!
ps i agree with what kris wrote. glad you are so busy and business is grand, but miss your daily inspiration
WELL I BOUGHT A PAIR OF FRENCH ANTIQUE DOOR SET ABOUT 3 MONTHS AGO. I use them as a screen when my husband applied hardware to them. Fantastic looking!
WONDERUFL WONDERFUL pieces! Love that transformation... WOW... totally amazing!
BTW... dog portraits on my site today... http://fififlowersdecor.blogspot.com/2008/08/5-dogs-and-cat.html
I think my heart stopped when I saw the last photo of the doors. Divine!
The talent never stops.
Houses to homes, now our imagination gone wild on film.
You lucky girl...
Ooops. Just left the Alice comment on the Doors blog...
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