I was talking with a charming book editor recently and the topic of "getting thick around the middle came up".
Got me to thinkin' of my MUST EAT stops when on buying trips in Paris.
No. really.
Each stop.
Each visit. ...Gee, and I wonder where the extra pounds are coming from "so suddenly"???? Damn French and their masterful hands.
1) Freshly-made baguette at the Le Poilane boulangerie: OR any great baguette, sea-salted butter from Brittany, and myrtilles (blueberry) jam. (Every boulangerie's schedule varies, but usually Le Poilane has it coming out of the oven at 7am and 4p. A heaven-on-earth treat);
2) Croissant au beurre (as opposed to croissant ordinaire -- this distinction is important, and the best ones come from places which offer both and thus give you the option of having the extra indulgent, greasy, and wonderfully-luscious type. BUH-TA, baby);
3) Ossau Iraty cheese from Androuet or really any good fromagerie;
4) Poulet de Bresse on the rotisserie at the local boucherie;
5) Crepes (sweet ones on the street -- au buerre sucre, au nutella et bananas; and savory buckwheat ones in a breton or normand restaurant, even the street vendors at The Louvre and Eiffel Tower make wonderful ones);
6) Coq au vin in the absolute traditional sense (Le Toulouse does it wonderfully in the 7e off Metro: Tour Mauborg);
7) Falafel from L'As du Falafel in the Marais;
8) Crusted broiled-top Cheese Ravioli along with a glass of champagne from Le Trait D'Union in the 6e;
9) Pate de campagne from a local boucherie (combined with a baguette, bottle of red, green apple, Evian, and an impromptu picnic on the lawns facing the Eiffel tower);
10) Berry Creme Bruele at Mariage Freres (honestly, the best ever to grace my lips..er, or is that hips?);
11/12) TIE: Hand-made chocolates from Michel Cluizel in the 1e and macarons from Heidiard.
What do you love to eat in Paris?
Oh who can just stop at 12 great things to eat in Paris????? Bring on the honorable mentions:
* Berthillon ice cream on Ile St. Louis
* Pizza with four cheeses, one of which is iFrench Blue Cheese at Saint Lucia in the 6e (a combo of cheese I would never, ever eat in the states but coupled with a pint and people watching it's pure bliss)
* Coquilles St. Jacques at Violon d'Ingres
* 24-month aged Tomme de Savoie cheese
* Assiettes de saucissons secs and jambon
* Roasted potatoes with extra drippings from aforementioned rotisserie chicken #4 above
Please share with all of us your favorites...or your favorite eating spot when you travel to any city outside your own (even if that means the next neighboring town to grab a Krispy Kreme!)
UPDATED TO ADD: For a mouth-watering selection of cakes (desserts), you must see this lovely blog and today's post: Rochambeau. Constance has put together a delectable delight!
When in Rome (2x/year) I always eat several meals at Da Tonino at 18 Via del Governo Vecchio. Bolagnese and Ravioli will knock your socks off. I never miss several nights worth of meals when in this city.
J'acola in Athens (off the Plaka) for the best Greek Chicken on the planet. On one trip I ate here for lunch one day, dinner the next night and lunch again 2 days later. My favorite spot. In paris I would agree with #2, 4, 6 and 7 as my top of the top picks.
Lisa Jay
gelato in the latin qtr, chocolate souffle at Le Souffle.
Hi kd, it's JLM
in LA: brunch at Campanile.
in Paris: beof at Mon Veil Ami
in NYC: oh, I'd have to think on this...
In Malibu: pasta with basil and olive oil at Geoffrey's.
That's my list! hugs sweetie-
PS perhaps you heard but we went to your shop this week and bought up a storm. i love that you constantly have new inventory! the pink dresser is mine and TO DIE for in sarah's room. bummed we missed you, sweet dear.
oh, one more thing:
in downtown LA: I LOVE the hot chocolate at Ciudad and the mexican style salmon they serve. a sauce on there I love.
in whittier, CA: salsa/chips and tamales at that spot on Olympic..anyone know of it? famous for tamales where people line up around the block at Christmas.
Wellll... first of all... I'm terribly jealous... I haven't been to Paris in ages... and I would LOVE to go back! The closes I get to Paris is all my Parisian trinkets throughout my home and garden... photos and books and some movies.
To be honest I haven't even travel out of my state in a few years... so I will have to pick one town or so over...
There is a charmy, FUN, lovely restaurant called Madeleines Wine Bistro on Green in Pasadena. It is in a historical building and the food is delicious and the wine devine.
I went with 2 girlfriends and sat in the blue room next to the fireplace. We dined on incredible appetizers and yummy wine du jour... and ended our evening with a cheese plate.
This place was truly heavenly... if you haven't been there, it is worth a trip to Pasadena... I am planning a trip very soon!
BTW... thanks for stopping by... but you didn't answer my question... what book(s)do you plan to read this summer?
Hello ! I'm from France and if you go to Paris, you MUST go to Ladurée. They do pastries, but the spécialité is the macaron. Their macarons are incredible ! "à tomber par terre" ! You can go and see www.laduree.fr ... just a look this timme before tasting them !
Thanks, everyone.
Do you really like Lauderee better than others? I think I may prefer Heidard the best...maybe the few times I've been to Lauderee I was just having an off day on my taste buds. I love their version, but I don't necessarily think it's the best even though the entire world seems to disagree with me! :)
You're making me hungry Kathy!
All sound good! If you need some additional desserts you know where to go. ;-)
Well, now I am really hungary!! Love, love, love the cream brulee in Zurich, Switzerland!!! Also, french food in general. It's been awhile since I've been to France (Latin Quarter) but I want to go back sooooo bad.
Kris Franklin
I say it once again ! I prefer Ladurée ! I tasted both (ladurée and Hédiard) and i think that ladurée's macaron is more melting. Have you tasted "caramel beurre salé"? MY FAFOURITE ! Their range of choice is larger too.
But that's my opinion, Hédiard is very famous too.
Sadly, it didn't stop at 12 things, so I'm still trying to recover from amazing-food-overload, and it's been two weeks!
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