Monday, May 26, 2008

Honor and Respect, I thee give...

American Memorial; Normandy, France

I'll never forget that moment many years ago.
How I almost fell to my knees. How I welled up with intense tears. The sheer magnitude of what it represents so overwhelming...

Veteran's Memorial Wall, Washington D.C.; designed by an undergrad at Yale in 1991. Click on the pic to enlarge and take a moment to let the enormity of the names listed sink in.


Anonymous said...

i loved your title of this post. lovely.

The House That A-M Built said...

A heavy heart when you see it. I've been there too. Thanks for visiting my blog. Lovely to meet you. Your shop sounds absolutely divine. If I was 10,000 miles closer I would visit! A-M from Australia xx

Lisa & Alfie said...

Hi Kathy,
Just new to your blog. My dad's name is on that wall and this holiday always finds me a little solemn. I have many friends who have visited and found the experience very moving, especially with a personal link (me) to it.
Lovely blog, I'll be back!
Lisa & Alfie