Saturday, June 19, 2010

Boating essentials

I'm not big on plastic, as I prefer to celebrate life using the best china and glassware every day...this is incorporated in my daily life routines, too. But every now and then the more appropriate choice is plastic....

Enter heavenly French Liquid Soap in a plastic bottle. I sourced these when a client needed a slew of them for her client's yacht she was decorating (think of a really hot looking pirate!). Plastic pumps are simply more practical for kids' bathrooms, laundry rooms or any place broken glass would pose a sincerely horrible situation!

Available in Lavande des Collines or Persil Menthe; $18 for 50ml plastic bottle. Available now under What's New or Apothecary: "Vintageweave" .

Father's Day is approaching and this will be the first dad's day my father will be in Heaven. We're going to celebrate all the things he loved: cupcakes, carne asada tacos, fine cabernet, and an easy stroll on a boat listening to jazz & blues! ...oh and of course laughing--my dad LOVED TO LAUGH! Happy Papa's Day to all the Fathers out there!

1 comment:

  1. Meg/Garden DesignsJune 20, 2010 at 9:51 AM

    i have this soap from you and love it! sorry for your first father's day. he'll always be your daddy. ooxx


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