Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hot Cocoa Goodness

If you aren't familiar with Maurecourt, France, you NEED TO BE.

In this city is produced arguably the finest hot cocoa powder ever created....and as our hips can attest, we've sampled many! Belgium, Italy, France, Denmark, Switzerland, Mexico, the United States and Greece all make a mighty fine hot cocoa. BUT...Maurecourt, France holds a special place in our heart.

Enter, Les Confitures a l' Ancienne.....

Raw brown cane sugar, incredible French roasted ground cocoa beans and natural vanilla. That's it. No special spices. Just pure yumminess. And with any proper hot cocoa making, please leave the water in the faucet as milk is the only thing that should touch this creation (besides whole, lowfat and soy work nicely, too). Dollop of real whipped cream and you'll send me a thank you note.

Now available in a 2.2 lb canister, this baby comes with its own scoop for fool-proof goodness.

Go to SHOP NOW, then page French Cupboard.


  1. luv the cocoa, but I really want those to die for items of spoon, cup or bowl, napkin and white rod iron gate!!!!

  2. Received my order yestday which included this cocoa. made some this morning where it's raining and cold here in NYC. WOW IS RIGHT. consider this my thank you note filled with kisses, hugs and a big ol THANK YOU indeed!!!!!!!!!


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